JOIN US Classes + Benefits
Welcome to Onewa Parents Centre, we are delighted to have you as a new family member to our centre! With 46 centres across NZ, Parents Centre is the largest network of parents in New Zealand. We’ve been around since 1952 and we were set up by parents, for parents.
When you register for our New Parents Package (which include Childbirth Education classes and our Baby and You course), you receive a one year membership which includes a variety of benefits:
- Membership of the largest network of parents in New Zealand
- Coffee groups for parents of new babies to provide friendship and support
- Discounted fees to our parent education courses
- Ongoing support and advice for your family
- Discounts from local stores and businesses
- Access to our centre library
- New parents membership (including first year membership, childbirth education, and baby and you course). Your membership is included when you sign up for a new parents package via our events page.
- Individual membership (new or recurring members not registering for the new parents package).
Parents Centre members enjoy discounts and benefits with the following organisations: